Productivity Hacks

I stole some of these from Quora a long time ago. I find the 10 second hack to be rather effective

Get Up - 10 Second Hack

Anytime you need to get something done. Count down from 10. And on the count of 10 go do it. It brings more awareness to the action you're trying to perform and makes you more likely to do it.

Start Doing - 2 Minute Hack

Focus on the first two minutes of work that you're trying to do. This way you aren't eating the whole task at once and you're less likely to procrastination on it.

Avoid Doing - 5 Minute Hack

If you're tempted by something you're trying to avoid doing whatever it is. Wait 5 minutes. Generally the temptation should subside by then and it brings more awareness to the fact that you can avoid doing said thing.